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Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Fleas

As a pet owner, you probably don’t even want to imagine the thought of your pet catching fleas as they can feed off the blood of your beloved pet and cause serious problems in your home. There are various home remedies that you can apply to keep your dog, cat, and home free of fleas.

This article is aimed at giving you some of these tips:

  1. Salt: Salt is said to be a good home remedy especially when accompanied by vacuuming. Based on myth, the salt will act as a dehydration agent, quickly getting rid of adult fleas. To carry out this remedy, sprinkle salt over the carpet around the house and then vacuum up after 12 to 48 hours and then vacuum your entire home. Keep in mind however that this method will work only on fleas that are alive. It does not have the capacity to kill flea larvae.
  2. Dish soap: This particular home remedy requires you to create a flea trap using dish soap and little water. Simply fill a bowl with a mixture of Luke-warm water and dish soap and place it in all the rooms that experience the most flea activity at home. The dish soap and water solutions act as a glue trapping the fleas as a result of the high viscosity of the solution. Ensure that you repeat this method suing a fresh bath day after day. For this flea home remedy to work effectively, you will have to conduct it at night. As a matter of fact, fleas ill mistakenly fall to the solution and become stuck.
  3. Flea repelling plants: Another home remedy to getting rid of fleas is by enlisting the help of a variety of specific plants to help pursue these unpleasant insects. Certain plants contain specific chemicals, compounds, and oil that fleas will try as much as possible to avoid as they are very harmful to them. Placing these plants around your home in flower vases and flower beds will go a long way in not just repelling them but keeping them far away from your home for as long as you use them. Here are some plants that keep fleas away: Spearmint, Lavender, Chrysanthemums, Pennyroyal. These plants are highly effective as some of them are used in part in natural insecticides.
  4. Vacuum: It is said that the simple and painless process of vacuuming your entire house, especially the affected areas, goes a long way in chasing fleas out of your immediate environment. Carefully and persistently vacuuming every corner including carpets and furniture is very efficient in reducing the level of flea activity in your home. You must ensure to remove any potential food supply as flea larvae feed mostly on organic matter in your carpets, furnishings and even beddings. When removing the contents of your Hoover outside of your property, do so as carefully as you can and seal it immediately before placing it in a bin outside for disposal.
  5. Diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous earth is a very fine powder that is not in any way toxic to human beings. It is the microscopic remains of fossilized algae, diatoms. Diatomaceous earth is an excellent natural remedy to repel fleas. To employ this method, sprinkle the powder in the areas where you suspect flea activity. Try to apply thin layers. Thereafter, leave the diatomaceous earth for about 2 days and then vacuum thoroughly.
  6. Baking Soda: For this particular remedy to work, you are advised to spray baking soda along your carpets as well as your furniture and rub it into your carpet using a hard brush. After you have done that, thoroughly vacuum your home and empty the contents of the vacuum into a plastic bag and securely place it in a bin outside the house.
  7. Lemon Spray: Lemon can be used in various ways around your home and is said to be one of the best home remedies to get rid of fleas. All you have to do is make a natural flea spry with lemon and you are good to go. To make this spray, first, slice a lemon thinly and then add to a pint of water and leave to boil for a while. Thereafter, allow the citrus solution to sit in a bowl or plate overnight properly covered, pour into a spray bottle and then spray the citrus solution over and around the infested areas in your home, including chairs, sofas and pet bedding. Only dampen, do not soak.
  8. Rosemary: You can use rosemary to treat light flea-infestations by making a herbal flea powder using rosemary. First, place the herb alongside some rue, peppermint, wormwood, and fennel neatly into a mortar and grind until it becomes powdery. Thereafter, sprinkle the powder on the carpets around the house or the affected areas as well as the windows sills, pet bedding, and furniture. Since rosemary is a natural flea repellent, it will help to adequately and effectively repel fleas without causing any harm to you through inhalation.
  9. Flea Comb:A flea-comb that will be especially useful to pet owners. It is, in fact, a must-have for all pet owners as it has the capacity to get rid of fleas and flea eggs from the coat of pets. This comb will save you the time it takes to use your fingers to search all corners of your pet’s body.
  10. Declutter your home: This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of fleas as they are very attracted to load and congested areas and corners. Throw away those household items that are of no use to you anymore. Ensure that these items are stored in properly-sealed plastic bags before they are thrown out. This is a great way to declutter your entire house and get rid of all the old stuff that you have gathered over the years.

Flea Control:

Getting rid of fleas in your home and yard doesn't have to be difficult. Following some simple steps such as picking items off the floor, vacuuming areas and washing your pest bedding will make a big difference in helping you be more successful. Any area that pets tend to sleep, and rest should be included in your treatment area. There are tons of home remedies out their for fleas, but with out proper preparation and application they might be less than 100% effective.


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